There Is A New Day Dawning-5/26/97
By Cerantha
There is a new day dawning
The dawning of a new age
On the horizon of Earth’s history
Lies the tomorrow of hope
Together shall we walk, hobble,
swim, fly, creep, crawl
Struggle to gain new understandings
Meanings to lead us ever forward
Into the tomorrow of hope filled days
Now we seem held down, mired in
Our cities wage battles to control
the tides of influence from violence,
crime, drugs, greed, hopelessness,
poverty, homelessness
Fear rides the waves
The people run, hoping to shore up
the banks, the borders which protect
There are meetings, committees,
even laws which try to help
solve our violent, soul-weary
But the waters of delusion, fear,
greed, lust, deceptions
Ease their ways past our humble
barricades, and flow over into our
minds and lives through television,
movies, videos, books, and true life
stories seen, and understood to be
“the only way it is”
When really there is another way
A path that leads not to fearful living
A path that leads to peace, love, and
Individually, and globally
A path to carry us above the byways
we now travel
A path that awaits our steps
There will be leaders to show
the Way
They will hold their Lights high
So we will not stumble
These Elders of the Light
Have traveled this path
when the Way was unclear,
hidden, obscure
They found their Way through
prayer, meditation, and the desire
to rise above the tide of despair
and hopelessness
They journeyed inside themselves
and found
Hope, guidance, strength, resolve
They found the knowledge they
needed to figure out the plans that
existed to create a new world
These Light bearers traveled the
untrod path
They forged a pathway to tomorrow
By trial and error
Hopes and dreams
They came to the Light at the end
of the the journey
And, instead of continuing on alone
They came back for us
To show us the Way
For none of us shall enjoy
the New World
Unless we are all there together
The Earth returned to paradise
Abundant, full to great measure of
all we need
But minus our fears, negative
feelings, habits and deeds
The new world will be simple,
yet superb
Subtle, yet sublime
Full to great measure of Love
For Love energy is the life force
which propels the new days ahead
Love, total, absolute
Truth in all things--never anymore
Never anymore hidden meaning,
or obscure codes
Love, Truth and Peace will abide,
and carry us on a cloud, and lay us down
in a pristine paradise filled with Harmony
at last
The music of the spheres will be heard
in the ears of mankind finally
The eyes, all three of them, will See
with clear vision
The dawn breaking--new and shining
with hope--colors of thus unimagined
shades and hues
The Truth shall set us free from past
lives of fear, and hopelessness
Newly arrived will we find all we need
And so much less than we imagined
we needed
We will find Love and with full hearts
Hearts brimming with awareness of
We will sing out
Ah men
Thank God
I am in Heaven on Earth
I am home to where
I always was
And never knew existed
I am home to mySelf
My soul arises and walks with me
No more hidden in my depths
afraid to surface
No, my soul is my companion
My soul navigates the waters of
my life
And shows me the course I shall
To serve God and mankind
With my special talent
To be given freely for the good
of all
Each man will serve as needed,
and with the best he has to offer
All need will be met
All hopes will be fulfilled
And our journey to tomorrow
shall be ended
As we arrive and find our dreams
come true
As we walk into the days of hopes
As we settle into the lives of future
The lives we were meant to live
Earthbound, but connected with
our Spirit Source
Living on Earth, as it tis in
Peace, Love, and Harmony vibrating
as One
God shines his Light upon us
And says, “It was good, it is better,
and it is done at last.”
Returned to Eden
Newly born, and held
in open arms
Adored, alive for the first time as
full human beings with Spirit in
their hearts and open channels
to the Universe of great possibilities,
and endless plenty.
Amen and Halleluyah
The Heavens united, fused solid