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  • Writer's picturecerantha

The Fairy Godmother

Thanks to the almost full moon’s influence I have been wide awake since 5 AM. Came into the studio and puttered around some. Then I got thinking about how as a little girl I dreamed of being Cinderella, once she escaped the evil stepmother of course. I held that dreamy little girl desire till a few years ago when I got to see the movie again and realized I no longer had a chance to be beautiful, young Cinderella, for I now embodied the kindly, pudgy, godmother. It was a tough reality check!!!!

It is not always easy to accept the changes aging brings along. It seems every day I’m being reminded of how much my body and lifestyle are morphing into something new that requires me to reevaluate who I am currently, and how I need to rearrange my lifestyle to best suit the changes, and still be independent.

The godmother role isn’t too bad a role model. She was powerful and used her innate magic to help others. She was motherly, kind, and had an optimistically pure heart. She served as a physical symbol of hope in Cinderella’s life. I think I can gladly take up setting those goals to be how I want to operate going forward.


Cinderella’s shoe size was 4 1/2

I just discovered that in my research this morning,

in case you ever wondered about that. LOL

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